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 2010-08-22 GMT-5 hours   
Hi there. I just came over to see David F. Brown's fantastic photos, and decided I need to join. Looks like a vibrant community of aviation and photography fans. I was an US Navy F-14 RIO from 1980-98 (with a few years off for staff jobs...a necessary evil), and took some photos along the way. I'm now a defense contractor, but I recently published a book called TOPGUN DAYS about my first few years of flying experiences, which includes 59 photos of aircraft and the people who operate them.
Looking forward to enjoying the great photography and camaraderie of this community. - Bio

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See my 107 Photos

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 2010-08-22 GMT-5 hours   
Hello David,
Thank you very much for the kind words and welcome aboard. We're glad to have you here. I'm sure everyone will be looking forward to the photos and great stories you have to tell.


This is the oldest I've ever been.

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See my 980 Photos

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 2010-08-22 GMT-5 hours   
Welcome aboard Bio! It's a pleasure to have you and your excellent work here on airfighters!

- Jonathan

My soul is in the sky.

- Shakespeare

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See my 271 Photos

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 2010-08-22 GMT-5 hours   
Hello David!

Welcome here! I still waiting your photos! I saw your shots, they are great and interesting! Thanks to upload them!

Lets Fly! :)

Best Regards,


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See my 1,910 Photos

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 2010-08-23 GMT-5 hours   
Welcome Bio Wow a real Tomcat RIO on airfighters.com ::2thumbs_grin}
I hope we can see more of your pictures!

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 2010-08-23 GMT-5 hours   
More US Navy pictures, i'm looking forward to them already. My favourite subject.

Welcome Bio, i'm sure everyones going to love your photos and stories.::2thumbs_grin}

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See my 698 Photos

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 2010-08-25 GMT-5 hours   
Hello David,

I'm glad you checked in. Welcome!


Rob Martaré.

forever young (time passes slowly...)

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 2020-05-29 GMT-5 hours   
Hi Dave

I am not sure anyone has spotted on airfighters but I did notice your name in the credits immortalised at the end of Top Gun ???. Now that is famous! Did you fly any of the scenes in the film?

Must have watched it 200 times now but lost count. Can't believe the Tomcat has been gone 13 years.

Paul Newbold (Spook)
Derby UK

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 2020-05-31 GMT-5 hours   
Here's a photo that looks like it's during the shooting of Top Gun:

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Click here for medium size photo!

Photo © David Baranek


This is the oldest I've ever been.

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See my 78 Photos

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 2020-05-31 GMT-5 hours   
Hi Spook – Good job spotting my name in the credits and connecting it with my photos here. Yes, I was an instructor at Topgun (as a RIO), and participated in filming the movie.
All instructors flew for the movie: the pilots flew in the A-4 Skyhawks (Topgun didn’t have any 2-seat TA-4s when I was there), and pilots and RIOs flew in the black F-5s. Three of the black F-5s were single-seat E-models, and one was a 2-seat F-5F.
In addition, I went to Paramount with a pilot for 2 days where we helped them assemble the film segments into flying scenes that made sense, and we came up with the ICS and radio dialogue for the flying scenes. That was a fun trip.
I wrote about it in my book Topgun Days. My website, www.topgunbio.com, has stories and photos, too.
I'll send a few photos to our host and maybe he can post them.
- Bio

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See my 107 Photos

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 2020-05-31 GMT-5 hours   
Here are the photos...


This is the oldest I've ever been.

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See my 3,131 Photos

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 2020-06-10 GMT-5 hours   
Very nice - thanks for joining and sharing your stories and photos

Muuuuhhh - welcome in the land of milk and chocolate

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